Friday 30 September 2011

30/09/2011 - Filming Equipment

During the trial filming of our trailer, we used various pieces of equipment to catch the movement of our actress. As demonstrated in the image to the left, we used a video camera to capture our film and a tripod to hold the camera still.

Monday 26 September 2011

26/09/2011 - Character Research

The name of the protagonist character in the film is perhaps the most important. As a group we believed that it was important to choose a fitting name to the girl and one which incited innocence and vulnerability. We decided on a few names: Emily, Lily, Alice, Isabel and Kate. We researched each name and it's meaning and found that they all implied innocence and purity. Above, I have included a screen shot of the meaning of the name Lily. The name Lily reminds me of the flower which is white and pure. It is usually a significant flower related to death. Although this is a morbid link to make, it could be relevant as it suggests danger for Lily in the trailer.

Lily is about 17 and a regular teenager girl who enjoys socialising with her friends at parties. As the viewer, we are not told that she has been to a party but it is implied by the sometimes canted camera angles used and her attire. She is dressed in light coloured clothing to make her appear pure like in the darkness of the night and make her look vulnerable. She is wearing heels which makes it difficult for her to walk and when she is being chased we see her determination to escape through her attempts to run in her shoes. The first minute of the trailer focuses on Lily and her walk home. The viewer does not see Lily in person again as the trailer centres around the two friends who work to find her.
This is a picture of our actress, Georgi, who will be playing the character of Lily. This image shows what she was wearing when we filmed our trial shots for Lily's role in the trailer. As you can see, she is wearing a dress and a denim jacket which are both lightly coloured. For the actual filming of the trailer we will dress her in bold block colours, perhaps a little darker, to create emphasis on her.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

20/09/2011 - Trial Shots

gif animatorThe initial filming of our film trailer has begun! On Thursday 15th September, we collected the equipment and travelled to the location researched in the previous post. The setting that we have chosen is an open field which backs onto a row of houses. This is perfect for our filming as we have plenty of room for equipment and movement. During our filming, we were not disturbed and were able to film in different areas without being interrupted.

Here is a gif of compiled photographs of the location from different angles.

There was three of us filming various shots and using the equipment. We took it in turns to film particular shots as a means to practise using the equipment and familarising ourselves with the different shots. During the filming, we realised that the lighting was an issue in such an open space and although we were filming at around 5pm and it was beginning to get dark, it was still too light to film. Here is a short clip of our actress running past the camera; as you can see it was far too bright to film.

Although, it is not ideal that we could not film this shot clearly it has allowed us to reconsider our lighting issues e.g perhaps filming later in the day when it is actually dark. We intend to keep her clothes bright blue and white colours as it will symbolise her innocence and vulnerability as well as making her stand out.

Monday 12 September 2011

12/09/2011 - Researching Locations

The locations that we have been looking at involve large fields with houses surrounding them. We are still in the process of finding suitable settings but have decided that the location must include houses as she is returning home when she is attacked and is vulnerable in an open field which she soon distances away from the houses. Below are two print screens of possible locations in which we can film. They are near to each other and there is a lot of open space to film.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

07/09/2011 - Research into types of shots

Over the summer Kate and I decided to film some initial shots which are unrelated to our film trailer and would allow us to experiment with different shots. These will be useful as later on into our research for our film trailer we will be able to use these shots to remind us of the different types of shots that are available and will help to create tension and suspense! I was unable to upload the videos on to my own blog so I have included a link that directs to Kate blog post about the shots:

Tuesday 6 September 2011

06/09/2011 - Using Premiere to edit video clips

Using Adobe Premiere Elements, I was able to practise and learn how to use the programme in order to help me edit my future filming for my trailer.

At first, I found it difficult to use the programme and manipulate the clips. I began to select three clips and cut them to suitable lengths and to pinnacle points. I changed the colour of the clips to a clinical blue shade to create tension and unease for the viewer. From this I added effects to the layers and made the first clip distorted and the next clip kept to a normal speed and frame. The final clip in the sequence focuses on the hand open the door handle close up and the effect added to it is distorted. I am still learning how to use premiere and how to link each clip to make a short film.