Monday 14 November 2011

14/11/2011 - Ancillary Tasks - Film magazine cover - Research

During the process of filming, we have reached certain points where we cannot film, for example, not having the appropriate equipment available to use. In the mean time, we have decided to begin our ancilliary tasks and I have independently chosen to research the film magazine covers which we will be making as well as a film poster. 

I like this magazine cover as it shows Johnny Depp in character as Sweeny Todd from the film so that it is recognizable to the reader. However, the cover demonstrates that the feature will be an interview with Johnny Depp, most likely about the film. The colour scheme is mainly pale colours like white and blue. They are cold and help reinforce the angry look on the actor's face. The title of the magazine is bold and other titles are also in a huge size font to draw attention to them. The layout of the text surrounds his face as it is the main feature of the cover. It is composed to have the image central and the main focus of attention and then text at the top and bottom about the contents of the magazine. It is simple and effective as it is not too much for the reader to observe and clearly illustrates what the main topic of the magazine will be.

The concept of this magazine cover is quite impressive and full of fantasy. The colour scheme is not too complicated or distracting and the red titles are bold and compel the reader immediately. The image used looks like one from the film so we instantly recognise that the main feature will be about the film Inception rather than just the actor himself. Empire is a renound film magazine so readers will most likely be inclined to read it anyway but the layout is tightly structured around the image.

I really like the title for 'Empire' magazine as I think it is memorable and clearly enables the reader to know that they are a big film company and the red immediately attracts attention.

Out of the three examples of film magazine covers, this is my least favourite. I think that the colours used do not compliment each other very well and and the bight yellow boxes are a distraction from the central image. The background is plain and has a picture of a skull which i'm not quite sure how it is relelvant. However, I do like the picture of film director, Quentin Tarantino used. I like the use of light on his face and the pose. I think that the rest of the cover is untidy and shows no clear layout.                                                                              

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