Friday 2 December 2011

02/12/2011 - Film Title

Below is the mind map that we have produced containing many film titles that we have suggested for the film trailer that we are making. It shows the process in which we came up with the names as we drew them directly from the centre and they are mainly single titles with some branching to more than one word. As a group, we would prefer to use one word to name the film as we feel that it would give more of an effect as it is simple and would be much more memorable; without giving too much away.

To find some of these words we used an online thesaurus and typed in relevant words to our film trailer which is a thriller about someone being taken. So we looked up synonyms for these words and added them to our mind map so that we built up a bank of potential film titles to choose from.

We are yet to decide on a name for our film title but I feel that creating a mind map has helped us to think about the perfect name for our film trailer. We will hopefully ask for other peoples' opinions on which title they prefer and feel is the most effective.


As a group we narrowed down the choices of titles from the mind map and decided on 6 titles that we liked by picking two each. From this we crossed out two which we felt were irrelevant and not effective enough to use as the film title. With the final 4, we asked 20 people of a similar age group to us which word they liked the best and thought would be appropriate for our film trailer. The simple tally chart method proved that 'Seized' was the most popular, so we settled for this film title as it has a sharp sound to the word and because it would be memorable.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent little bit of research for the title. well done
