Friday 17 February 2012

17/02/2012 - CopyRight - Film Trailer Text

At the beginning of almost every film trailer you will notice a copyright green screen for a brief moment to let the audience know who the film belongs to and that it is protected legally.

Here is a typical screen that you would see at the beginning of a trailer, lasting about 6 seconds long before the teaser is due to start. The screen tells the audience who has made the film and who it belongs to. It is used to show the copyright and make the trailer legal.
This is the screen that we created for our film trailer as we felt that it was necessary to include to produce an authentic trailer. We made a green screen and followed a similar pattern for the text (font, size and colour). We also included two websites at the bottom of the screen as shown in a real green card. We made up the last line of the writing 'By the people at the screenview movies' as we could not copy the text exactly shown on the green card above as that would be affecting copyright and by creating our own names and websites it makes the green card more legitimate. The only difference in the two green cards is that the writing on the last line of the text is not in drop shadow but over than this issue it is barely noticeable.

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