Friday 17 February 2012

17/02/2012 - Shooting Shannon & Chelsea Parts

Today we aimed to film the remaining parts of our trailer that we have barely focused upon; the characters and roles of Lily's friends. We were successful in doing so as filmed the scene in one of the girls bedroom where Shannon is frantically working away trying to find out what has happened to Lily juxtaposed to Chelsea who is lazing around on the bed painting her nails and puzzled as to why Shannon is so worried. 

We also needed to film outside where the two girls are on their journey home and stumble across Lily's phone and immediately find themselves involved in her abductor's 'game'. We checked the forecast for the day as we knew that we would be filming outside for a significant amount of time and did not want it to rain or be too sunny. As you can see the weather is cloudy which is ideal for our trailer as it should allow us to have suitable light to film and the cloudiness will foreshadow the misery that our characters are about to experience. 

For the scene in Shannon's bedroom, we wrote a rough script so that our characters would know what to say to each other and know how to interact. However, it is only rough and we are sure to change some of it but we will maintain and short script as this is only a short scene. During today's filming we were also unable to record sound properly as we did not have the appropriate  sound equipment so we could only use what was available on the video camera itself. 

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