Monday 16 April 2012

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

 was a key use of technology in the construction, research and planning of our media products. By using this website we were able to research similar trailers e.g.'Taken' that we could use as inspiration for our own film trailer. By using YouTube we were able to use the html code and embed relevant trailers into our blog posts. We also used YouTube for uploading clips from previous shoots and for planning which music we were going to use. We used a YouTube link converter website called  to change the format of the songs that we had researched and wanted to construct into the editing of our film trailer. The website emails the file to your email address and then you are able to download the file.

Using was another important technology for the creation of our entire media products and the process.

This is where we constructed our posts to show our progress and the process of making our media products. Blogger allowed us to make as many posts as necessary and use a variety of text, images, hmtl and links in our posts. However, Blogger would not always work and would often not allow you to decided the layout of your post which was frustrating!

To construct our film trailer we usedwhich was difficult to use at times as it would not always let us import files and it took a while to actually understand how to use the programme. However, when we worked out how to use it we were able use clips from our shoots, alter them, import music and cut it and then input text as well.

Filming the trailer

We used a Canon 500D to film our trailer and take the photographs for our ancillary tasks as the quality was much better than using the school's Canon fs406 Video Camera. The picture was clearer and we were able to film the trailer and the take the pictures with a camera that had more memory and could also pick up sound.
Ancillary Tasks

To make both the poster and the magazine front cover, we used PhotoShop to edit the images and place text and objects onto the document. Having used this programme before it was easier to use the functions such as the type of brush and blurring an image. I knew how to create layers and move text around on the image. We also used InDesign to create the text for our poster and magazine cover and chose from a selection of fonts 'Weathered SF'. However, at times it was not always easy to make a function work as it would be blocked for some reason and we would have to reopen the programme.

Evaluation Stages

criar um gifEach of these websites allowed me to present my evaluations of each question in a unique and interesting way. Voki allows the user to create an animated version of themself and input text that they wish for the character to speak. I used this for the third evaluation question regarding feedback as I felt that using a person would be more appropriate for a question that asks about information on our media tasks. I also used a website called trip adviser to present a presentation that I had made in a different way to other presentation websites such as SlideShare. This presentation treats it like a journey and uses music to pinpoint different areas of the presentation. I used Prezi to present my second evaluation question as it allows you to input images and text and as many boxes containing information as you like. By creating a path to each box, the viewer can observe the thought process behind the evalution. And finally I used Picasion to present this Gif of the websites that aided my evaluation stages.

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