Monday 16 April 2012

16/04/2012 - Making of the Film Magazine

This is the image that will be used for the Film Magazine. We have chosen to use this image as the photographs from the previous two shoes did not give the dramatic and thriller genred image that we were after for our magazine. As supported in our research, film magazines often features characters from their films e.g. Johnny Depp as Sweeney Todd.

The first stage of creating the magazine was to open the chosen image up in Adobe Photoshop CS4 so that it was available to edit and this is the best programme that we have to edit an image as well as place text and other images onto this exisiting one.
Then the brightess/contrast was adjusted in order to intensify the colour of the dress, make up and the style of her 'messy' hair. By changing the brightness and contrast, the 'dirt' marks that we created on the face of our model in a previous shoot were much more visible now and this reinforced the fact that the actress in the film, Lily, is dishelleved and hoping to be rescued from the poor conditions that she is being kept in by the abductor.

We then decided to add a red tint to the image as it is a colour that is recognised as connotating danger and this is relevant to the film trailer as the audience realise from the very beginning that Lily is vulnerable and is seen as a target perhaps, in her red dress, and is later abducted and held hostage.

A main convention of a magazine is the barcode as this lets the retailer tell the buyer how much the magazine will cost and identifies it as a product. In order to input ths barcode into the magazine cover, we opened up Adobe InDesign CS4 so that it could be pasted into this programme. We were also able to create the blue circle and black banner for the magazine in this programme on the same document. To make the banner, we created a rectangle and filled the shape in with the colour black. To make the circle a similar process was used; created a circle shape and filled it in blue so that is also becomes a solid shape. To make it more noticeable the outline weight of the white line around the circle was set to 8 to make it more bold.

Continuing in Photoshop, the title of the magazine 'Film Media' was entered into the magazine aswell as the text 'Magazine of the Year' which are both located at the top of the magazine cover. Due to research it is important to use conventions that are supported and we found that from our research into film magazine covers that the main text should link to the image that is used on the cover. To do this, we inkdropped the colour of Lily's dress but chose a slighter darker shade of this colour so that it was much more visible and then added it to the colour of the text for continuity. We then decided to use the colour white for the sub-heading as in our research many film magazines use this colour as it stands out on a darkish background/image.

As demonstrated on a piece of research into film magazines, white text is very common and is simple but very effective to the reader!

As the magazine will evidently feature 'Lily' from our film trailer, we felt it was appropriate to include the title of the film 'Seized' and the phrase associated with it 'A Modern Cat And Mouse Game' as the magazine will include some kind of article about the film itself. We wrote these two pieces of text in the 'Weathered SF' font that we have been using throughout the process of making the trailer and the film poster for continuity and so that people associate this font with the film itself.

 Our research supports the location of the barcode and solid objects to place text over.

The blue circle that was created in InDesign earlier was then imported into Photoshop and then black text was added over the top of it where it could be seen easily. By right clicking layer that was labelled 'Vector Smart Object' we were able to rasterize the text so that when we clicked a corner of the text box it was easy to move. In magazine research, text is quite often placed at an angle on a magazine for a more interesting structure for the reader to observe. The barcode that was also created in the same programme was then pasted into the bottom left hand corner as this is where it is often placed.

The final stage of creating the film magazine front cover included adding the remaining text which will be about what else the reader can find inside the magazine. We decided to continue using light colours such as white and blue to keep with the colour scheme and so that they could be seen easily. We decided not to show a price as our research does not show a blatent price but rather focuses on the bar code being the method and convention for this.

This is the final film magazine front cover!

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