Monday 5 March 2012

05/03/2012 - Lighting of the Trailer

During the filming of the closet scene we used this torch as well as the light already existent in the room that we were filming. We also used this torch amongst other similar hand held ones when we have filmed the outside scene where Lily is returning home. We are limited on what lighting equipment we can use outside as obviously we have no access to electricty on an open field, so by using multiple torches we are able to instruct and easily move with the actress when lighting is needed in the dark. Using a hand held torch, especially this one, is effective as you can shine the light exactly where you need it and this one quite strong.

Here is an image of the lighting equipment that we will have been borrowing from school to light some of the inside scenes and for taking photographs for our ancillary tasks. However, we have an issue as we cannot use it outside when filming on an open field as we have no source of electricity to connect it to. Therefore it is more beneficial to use for lighting the scenes inside and for when we take photographs of our characters. For the opening scene where Lily is walking home we want it to be in the dark as she returning home from a party so we tried filming first in daylight but shadows appeared and even editing could not disguise the fact that it was daytime. We finally decided to use torches to film in the dark and as explained above they have proved to work as we can move them easily and we can decide where the light needs to be quickly without having to move lots of equipment.
Here is a picture of the lighting equipment being set up to film the closet and stair case scene inside Kate's house.

1 comment:

  1. The photograph showing how you lit the cupboard is very good proof.
