Wednesday 14 March 2012

14/03/2012 - Poster Text

While preparing to make our film poster we also needed to research into the text that is included in typical film posters as well as just looking into the images used. As we knew the rough design for our poster would feature the abductor's legs in front of the stair case with an orange glow, we decided to look at a similar poster - 'The Sixth Sense'. The poster has a simple layout; an central image, dark back ground, white text which stands out and the title and the main actor's name.
I have focused on the text and I like the writing as it has an eery feel and is also child-like in terms of the font which could be related to the child character in the film. By only including the the title of the film and the main actor's name it adds more mystery to the actual film and audiences who may be aware of the actor Bruce Willis may decide to watch the film because he is a famous actor.

Here is the french poster for the film 'Taken' which we have also focused on during poster research. The imagery used for this poster is somewhat more complicated than that of the film 'The Sixth Sense' and therefore the text is more prominent in order to remain bold in this more structured layout. As you can see, the name of the main male character is included because he is a film actor and an audience may be more inclined to watch it if they know who is in it. However, in our movie poster I do not think we will include a name as we want to keep the text simple and almost not give away anything. There is also text underneath the name detailing events from the film and text at the bottom of the poster which show the legal details and names of the those involved in the production of the film. 
  I have chosen to focus on the title of the film which is located to the left of the poster and is a main convention. The text is written all in upper caps and positioned horizontally. As I have seen in my previous research, the colour red is a common colour used for the title of a film in thriller/horror films.

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