Monday 5 March 2012

05/03/2012 - Feedback

During the production of my A2 Media products; film trailer and ancillary tasks, it is important to gain feedback as to how I am progressing. I decided to look at the stats on Blogger for my blog and to see how many views I have gained. Although there is no specific feedback, I feel that it helps and gives a visual idea of how many people have seen my work and how many times it has been viewed. In the future, when I have finished my products, I am going to use social networking sites such as Facebook to gain proper feedback such as how many people 'Like' or comment on my work. We will also have class critique sessions and feedback from our teacher as well as our peers to help with improvements.

Recent Feedback on our Trailer
This is the post that I put on my Twitter so that my followers would be able to open the link and watch the video and give me feedback.

Kate then uploaded the video onto Facebook where we recieved perhaps the most feedback. Within an hour of posting the video we recieved likes and comments about what people thought of our video.

Charmaine used a blogging website called Tumblr . People were able to post comments, like the post and reblog it for other users to watch. It obtained 12 notes and this allowed us to see what people liked and disliked about our trailer.

Below is a print screen of the amount of views that we gained on our video on YouTube within the same time span of posting it on the other social networking sites. We gained 90 views within the space of an hour! We also recieved critiques from our teacher and classmates who seemed scared by the remaining few seconds when Lily is hiding in the cupboard!

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